We are more likely to engage in activities in which meaningful achievements are recognized.


How might this apply to your business?
Achieving something of personal or social significance is gratifying and even motivating, more so when recognized in some way. In gaming environments, achievement is shows through points, badges, levels and other kinds of recognition. In other contexts, achievement is signaled by things like promotion, membership, privileges, and acquisitions. What challenges—tied to desired behaviors—do you have in place and what are the associated achievements?

See also: Appropriate Challenges, Feedback Loops, Competition, Reputation, Status, Story


In the whirl of our day-to-day interactions, it’s all too easy to forget the nuances that distinguish great teams, great cultures, and great products/services.

Mental Model Flash Cards bring together insights from psychology into an easy reference and brainstorming tool. Each card describes one insight into human behavior and suggests ways to apply this to your teams as well as the design of your products and services.